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Understanding Homeowners Associations (HOAs)

03 September 2024,  Meerushini Govender

If you are considering buying a property in a housing development, it’s essential to understand what a Homeowners Association (HOA)... is and how it operates. HOAs are legal entities responsible for managing and regulating housing development schemes. Although homeowners own their individual properties, the HOA maintains and oversees communal infrastructure, such as roads, security systems, and other shared amenities.


The Applicability of Section 73A of the BCEA on Independent Contractors

03 September 2024,  Bridgeton Petoors

The difference between employees and independent contractors carries significant weight within the employment law sector. Being considered an employee affords... you a plethora of protections and dispute resolution mechanisms, while the other, not so much. But what happens in the case where you worked for someone, and they refuse to pay the monies due to you? Does your ability to claim owed monies through the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation, and Arbitration (CCMA) depend on whether you are classified as an employee or an independent contractor? This article aims to argue that independent contractors may refer a dispute to the CCMA in terms of Section 73A of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA).


Navigating Subpoenas in Magistrates’ Courts: Part 1

03 September 2024,  Marilie Beukes

People who have not studied law or have no prior knowledge of the law may be confused and uncertain when... served with a legal document called a “subpoena”, which states that they should attend and give evidence at a trial or that they should produce a document or thing. This will be a two-part series on the discussion of subpoenas and this first article aims to discuss the different types of subpoenas one may receive and to elaborate thereon.


Are You Obligated to Pay Arrear Levies When Purchasing a Sectional Title Unit? Part 2

03 September 2024,  Lizanne Maritz

Recently, the High Court and the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) were required to interpret Section 15B(3)(a)(i)(aa) of the Sectional... Titles Act 95 of 1986 in relation to a sale in execution in the case of the Body Corporate of Marsh Rose v Arno Steinmuller and others. The issue in the appeal is firstly, the statuses of the parties, consequently, whether the body corporate's reliance on the statutory embargo is susceptible to challenge and secondly, the High Court’s order, which irrespective of the interpretation given to the embargo provision, cannot stand.


Understanding Homeowners Associations (HOAs)

03 September 2024,  Meerushini Govender

If you are considering buying a property in a housing development, it’s essential to understand what a Homeowners Association (HOA)... is and how it operates. HOAs are legal entities responsible for managing and regulating housing development schemes. Although homeowners own their individual properties, the HOA maintains and oversees communal infrastructure, such as roads, security systems, and other shared amenities.


The Applicability of Section 73A of the BCEA on Independent Contractors

03 September 2024,  Bridgeton Petoors

The difference between employees and independent contractors carries significant weight within the employment law sector. Being considered an employee affords... you a plethora of protections and dispute resolution mechanisms, while the other, not so much. But what happens in the case where you worked for someone, and they refuse to pay the monies due to you? Does your ability to claim owed monies through the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation, and Arbitration (CCMA) depend on whether you are classified as an employee or an independent contractor? This article aims to argue that independent contractors may refer a dispute to the CCMA in terms of Section 73A of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA).


Navigating Subpoenas in Magistrates’ Courts: Part 1

03 September 2024,  Marilie Beukes

People who have not studied law or have no prior knowledge of the law may be confused and uncertain when... served with a legal document called a “subpoena”, which states that they should attend and give evidence at a trial or that they should produce a document or thing. This will be a two-part series on the discussion of subpoenas and this first article aims to discuss the different types of subpoenas one may receive and to elaborate thereon.


Are You Obligated to Pay Arrear Levies When Purchasing a Sectional Title Unit? Part 2

03 September 2024,  Lizanne Maritz

Recently, the High Court and the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) were required to interpret Section 15B(3)(a)(i)(aa) of the Sectional... Titles Act 95 of 1986 in relation to a sale in execution in the case of the Body Corporate of Marsh Rose v Arno Steinmuller and others. The issue in the appeal is firstly, the statuses of the parties, consequently, whether the body corporate's reliance on the statutory embargo is susceptible to challenge and secondly, the High Court’s order, which irrespective of the interpretation given to the embargo provision, cannot stand.


Client Testimonials

Just a short note to thank you for the excellent service that I received yesterday. It was professional, thorough and very efficient.

John, Private client

Thank you very much for all that you have done. We appreciate what you did for us. It feels good to deal with people that are just as good as their words, and better. I will recommend you to others. You are not just a good lawyer, but also a gentleman.

Marietjie, Private client

Ek wil aan julle my dank en waardering uitspreek vir die positiewe verloop van hierdie aangeleentheid, in die besonder vir die geduld gedurende die tyd wat dit geneem het om dit af te handel, so ook die advies en bystand.

Beatrix , Private client

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for being my pillars of strength and support throughout my ordeal. I am overwhelmed by the manner in which you represented me in court. With tears in my eyes, I have no words to explain how grateful I am with the outcome of this case. I can’t stop talking about your firm to my colleagues, family and friends.

Refiloe, Private client

Thank you for the wonderful correspondence. It is such a pleasure working with a company that gives us regular feedback. Thank you for excellent service.

Rosanne , Private client

Ek beplan om die tyd te neem om julle kantore te besoek, net om persoonlik my dank te kom gee. Ek het soveel vertroue in julle gehad van die begin af. Julle het die situasie met soveel respek hanteer, verstommend.

Charmaine , Private client

Thank you so much for attending to the transfer and for being so efficient. It has been such a pleasure to work with you.

Debbie , Private client

It just remains for me to thank you very much for all the work involved in getting us to this end point - a point I'm sure we all wondered if we'd ever see at some stage or other. I would also like to thank your conveyancing department who was wonderful at communicating during the sale of the house.

Jayne, Private client

Baie dankie, dit is ’n verligting dat my pa se boedel afgehandel is – alle dank weereens aan jou. Baie dankie vir die professionele manier waarop jy alles hanteer het, al jou moeite met die ‘ekstras’ en die gereelde kommunikasie om ons op hoogte te hou. Ons sal kontak behou!

Deon , Private client

Thank you for all your hours of service and commitment to resolving and tying up this tiresome estate. I am exceedingly grateful.

Sally , Private client

I would like to thank you for the professional manner in which the affairs of my mother’s estate were handled.

John , Private client

Baie dankie vir julle hulp ten spyte van julle baie werk. Ons plaas ’n baie hoë verwagting op diens en julle het dit by uitstek oortref. Nogmaals dankie, ons waardeer dit baie!

Petra , Private client

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for the opportunity you have afforded me of completing Vacation Work with your firm. I have enjoyed my time spent with you, and it has been an absolute pleasure to learn more about your firm, and the legal world. I am so appreciative of the warm welcome by all of your colleagues, and the manner in which we interacted throughout my time here. I hope to return for more Vacation Work this year, and I am exceedingly eager to apply to complete my articles with you, as I have just about fallen in love with your firm and the family that it hosts.

Tamara Foyn, Vacation Work Candidate

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